Leading through uncertainty

Thanager & Co   •   June 28, 2020

Political, economic, social and natural disasters that occur throughout the world will affect the decision to buy products and services of consumers. Therefore, entrepreneurs in all sectors, industries and businesses must prepare both operational strategies and after sales services to attract customers both in and out of the country for tourism which is another area that is important to the Thai economy. Must hurry to prepare themselves for the upcoming inevitable competition.

However, the strengths of Thai tourism is likely to attract both domestic and foreign tourists. But the weaknesses that we must accelerate.There are also quite a few improvements, such as language skills. The value that the customer will receive new and interesting tourist attractions are the issues that entrepreneurs must try to create and respond to customers with higher demands.

QM No. 206 in November 2015 is very willing to convey important issues about “Thailand in ASEAN and Future Prospects of the Tourism Industry” in which readers will gain knowledge and views about the Thai tourism industry through the organization related are the Domestic Tourism Business Association Thai Tourism Promotion Association The Association of Tourism Scholars (Thailand) and New Lucky Tour (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

In addition, we also have interesting articles to present to all readers such as Quality System.Offer article Wat Kyung Championship draws tourists in AEC to launch investment promotion activities Tourism in Thailand Theme Achievement: QCC Activity Guidelines New article on good practice principles. In order to store and distribute products according to AIB guidelines for Quality Management. Japan’s investment direction amid conflicts with China, the article about the agency … think but not instead of the article on knowledge of labor law (Many people may not know?) May all of you enjoy the articles that we have selected.